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Blog: 07/19/16

Congressional Research Arm Produces Report on the U.S. Chip Industry

by Semiconductor Industry Association

A newly released report by a non-partisan research arm of Congress underscores how semiconductors’ economic and military importance has made the industry’s health a focus of congressional interest for nearly 70 years. The report, produced by the Congressional Research Service (CRS), details how the federal government played a key role in the creation and support […]

Market DataResearch
Press Release: 07/08/16

International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors Examines Next 15 Years of Chip Innovation

FINAL INSTALLMENT OF BIANNUAL REPORT OUTLINES SHORT-TERM AND LONG-TERM CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES FACING SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNOLOGY WASHINGTON—July 8, 2016—The Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA), representing U.S. leadership in semiconductor manufacturing, design, and research, today announced the release of the 2015 International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS), a collaborative report that surveys the technological challenges and opportunities for […]

Press Release: 07/05/16

Global Semiconductor Sales Up Slightly in May

SALES INCREASE 0.4 PERCENT COMPARED TO APRIL, DECREASE 7.7 PERCENT YEAR-TO-YEAR WASHINGTON—July 5, 2016—The Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA), representing U.S. leadership in semiconductor manufacturing, design, and research, today announced worldwide sales of semiconductors reached $26.0 billion for the month of May 2016, an increase of 0.4 percent compared to the previous month’s total of $25.9 […]

Blog: 06/29/16

SIA Applauds Chairman Brady’s Tax Reform Blueprint

by Semiconductor Industry Association

House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.) and House Ways and Means Chairman Kevin Brady (R-Texas) on Friday unveiled a blueprint to reform America’s outdated tax system. SIA applauds the Speaker, Chairman Brady, Committee members, and staff for their hard work producing this plan to advance the cause of urgently needed U.S. corporate tax reform.

Press Release: 06/29/16

ASML President Martin van den Brink to Receive Semiconductor Industry’s Top Honor

VAN DEN BRINK, PIONEER IN SEMICONDUCTOR MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY, SELECTED AS RECIPIENT OF 2016 ROBERT N. NOYCE AWARD FOR CAREER ACHIEVEMENTS WASHINGTON—June 29, 2016—The Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA), representing U.S. leadership in semiconductor manufacturing, design, and research, today announced Martin van den Brink, president and chief technology officer at ASML Holding and renowned pioneer in semiconductor […]

Blog: 06/28/16

Secretary Clinton’s Tech Platform Highlights Key Semiconductor Priorities

by David Isaacs, Vice President, Government Affairs

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton today unveiled a set of policy initiatives aimed at bolstering U.S. technology and innovation leadership. SIA welcomes attention from the presidential candidates on policies to strengthen the semiconductor industry and the broader tech sector. Secretary Clinton’s plan embraces a number of the semiconductor industry’s longstanding priorities, including the following: 1) Increasing the research […]

Export Control and National Security PolicyResearchTradeWorkforce & Immigration
Blog: 06/27/16

Hill Briefing Highlights Importance of Federal Research Investments

by Semiconductor Industry Association

SIA moderated a congressional briefing last Friday on federally funded R&D and the research breakthroughs that have enabled smartphone technology. The briefing was hosted by IEEE in coordination with the House R&D Caucus, which is chaired by Rep. Barbara Comstock (R-Va.) and Rep. Bill Foster (D-Ill.). The purpose of the event was to give congressional staff […]

Press Release: 06/22/16

Semiconductor Industry Recognizes Senators Kelly Ayotte and Ron Wyden, Congressmen Pete Sessions and Scott Peters with Congressional Leadership Awards

LEGISLATORS ACKNOWLEDGED FOR ADVANCING POLICIES THAT PROMOTE TRADE, INNOVATION WASHINGTON—June 22, 2016—The Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA), representing U.S. leadership in semiconductor manufacturing, design, and research, today announced the recipients of SIA’s Congressional Leadership Awards: Senator Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.), Senator Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), Congressman Pete Sessions (R-Texas), and Congressman Scott Peters (D-Calif.). SIA presents the Congressional […]

Blog: 06/09/16

The World Semiconductor Council: 20 Years of Promoting Innovation through Free Trade

by Semiconductor Industry Association

The world’s leading semiconductor industries celebrated the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the World Semiconductor Council (WSC) on May 27 in Seoul, Korea. The WSC grew out of the 1996 U.S.-Japan Agreement on International Cooperation Regarding Semiconductors and today brings together senior executives from six semiconductor-producing regions – China, Chinese Taipei, EU, Japan, Korea, […]

Press Release: 06/08/16

Semiconductor Industry Applauds Passage of Chemicals Legislation

BILL MODERNIZES 40-YEAR-OLD LAW PERTAINING TO PRODUCTION AND USE OF CHEMICALS WASHINGTON—June 8, 2016—The Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA), representing U.S. leadership in semiconductor manufacturing, design, and research, today commended congressional approval of the Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act, bipartisan legislation that updates the Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976, the […]

Environment, Health & Safety
Blog: 06/08/16

SIA Presents Policy Recommendations to Advance Internet of Things

by Semiconductor Industry Association

From household appliances and wearable devices to cars and medical devices, many of the products Americans rely on are becoming “smarter” and better able to communicate with each other, thanks largely to semiconductor technology. This expanding network of physical objects connected by the Internet – known as the Internet of Things (IoT) – presents both […]

Emerging Technologies