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Blog: 08/13/15

SIA White Paper: U.S. Semiconductor Industry is America’s Most Innovative Manufacturing Industry

by Semiconductor Industry Association

The U.S. semiconductor industry is America’s most innovative manufacturing industry and ranks near the top in terms of overall competitiveness, according to a newly published SIA white paper. Based in part on a methodology used by the United Nations to rank the economic competitiveness of nations, the white paper finds that the U.S. semiconductor industry ranks […]

Press Release: 08/13/15

Global Sales Report 2015

Global Semiconductor Sales Increase in October; Slight Growth Projected for Next Three Years Published Thursday, December 3, 2015 Global Semiconductor Sales Increase 1.5 Percent in Third Quarter Published Monday, November 2, 2015 Global Semiconductor Sales Decrease Slightly in August Published Monday, October 5, 2015 Global Semiconductor Sales Down Slightly in July Published Thursday, September 3, […]

Market Data
Press Release: 08/13/15

Leon Panetta to Deliver Keynote Address at Annual SIA Award Dinner

FORMER DEFENSE SECRETARY, CIA DIRECTOR, OMB DIRECTOR, AND WHITE HOUSE CHIEF OF STAFF TO WEIGH IN ON IMPORTANCE OF SEMICONDUCTOR INDUSTRY TO AMERICA AND THE WORLD WASHINGTON—Aug. 13, 2015—The Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA), representing U.S. leadership in semiconductor manufacturing and design, today announced former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta will deliver the keynote address at the […]

Blog: 08/06/15

The 2015 SIA Factbook: Your Source for Semiconductor Industry and Market Data

by Semiconductor Industry Association

What U.S. industry spends a higher share of sales on research and development than any other U.S. industry? What U.S. industry had a sales-revenue-per-employee ratio in 2014 of $667,000, the highest level in its history and among the highest of any U.S. industry? What U.S. industry directly employs a quarter of a million workers in […]

Market Data
Press Release: 08/03/15

Mid-Year Global Semiconductor Sales Ahead of Last Year’s Pace by 4 Percent

Q2 SALES UP 1 PERCENT OVER PREVIOUS QUARTER AND 2 PERCENT OVER Q2 OF LAST YEAR WASHINGTON—Aug. 3, 2015—The Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA), representing U.S. leadership in semiconductor manufacturing and design, today announced worldwide sales of semiconductors reached $84.0 billion during the second quarter of 2015, an increase of 1.0 percent over the previous quarter […]

Press Release: 07/31/15

SIA Welcomes Progress on Trans-Pacific Partnership Talks, But Urges Swift Conclusion of Final Deal

NEW RULES IN TPP WILL STRENGTHEN DIGITAL ECONOMY, PROMOTE SEMICONDUCTOR TRADE WASHINGTON—July 31, 2015—The Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA), representing U.S. leadership in semiconductor manufacturing and design, welcomes the significant progress made at the latest round of Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) negotiations and urges the 12 negotiating parties to return to the table post-haste to conclude this […]

Blog: 07/31/15

White House Launches Initiative to Strengthen U.S. Leadership in Supercomputing

by Semiconductor Industry Association

President Obama this week issued an executive order launching a new supercomputing research initiative called the National Strategic Computing Initiative (NSCI), which aims to maintain and strengthen U.S. leadership in leading-edge computing technology. The NSCI calls for government, industry, and academia to collaborate on research, development, and deployment of high-performance computing (HPC): “Maximizing the benefits […]

Blog: 07/30/15

How are Semiconductor Sales Shaping up for the First Half of 2015?

by Semiconductor Industry Association

Next Monday, SIA will release its June 2015 global sales report (GSR), which will include global semiconductor sales totals for the first half (H1) of 2015. As we approach the halfway point, how should we assess semiconductor sales thus far, and what questions should we consider ahead of next week’s GSR release?

Market Data
Press Release: 07/22/15

SIA Commends Launch of Congressional Semiconductor Caucus

CAUCUS WILL INFORM CONGRESS ON STRENGTHENING SEMICONDUCTOR INDUSTRY AND AMERICA WASHINGTON—July 22, 2015—The Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA), representing U.S. leadership in semiconductor manufacturing and design, today commended the launch of the Congressional Semiconductor Caucus. SIA recognized members of the caucus at a reception on Capitol Hill Tuesday evening and honored the caucus’s co-chairs, Sen. James […]

Blog: 07/16/15

Nanotechnology Research Key to Big Semiconductor Breakthroughs

by Semiconductor Industry Association

The world’s big challenges are increasingly solved using technology that is exceedingly small. Nanotechnology, which involves the manipulation of individual atoms and molecules, is making possible breakthroughs across a range of applications, including transportation, health care, clean energy, communications, and entertainment. The semiconductor industry designs and manufactures at the nanoscale level and depends heavily on […]

Press Release: 07/06/15

Global Semiconductor Sales Increase Five Percent in May

GLOBAL INDUSTRY POSTS 25TH CONSECUTIVE MONTH OF YEAR-TO-YEAR SALES INCREASES IN MAY; SALES IN AMERICAS INCREASE 11.4 PERCENT YEAR-TO-YEAR TO LEAD ALL REGIONS WASHINGTON—July 6, 2015—The Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA), representing U.S. leadership in semiconductor manufacturing and design, today announced worldwide sales of semiconductors reached $28.2 billion for the month of May 2015, an increase […]

Press Release: 06/24/15

Semiconductor Industry Applauds Congressional Approval of Trade Promotion Authority

SENATE JOINS HOUSE IN PASSING LEGISLATION TO FACILITATE ECONOMY-BOOSTING FREE TRADE AGREEMENTS; PRESIDENT OBAMA EXPECTED TO QUICKLY SIGN LEGISLATION INTO LAW WASHINGTON—June 24, 2015—The Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA), representing U.S. leadership in semiconductor manufacturing and design, today applauded Congress for approving bipartisan Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) legislation. TPA will strengthen the U.S. semiconductor industry and […]