
Blog: 10/07/14

SIA White Paper: Semiconductor Industry Has Contributed More to U.S. Economic Growth than any other Major Manufacturing Industry

by Semiconductor Industry Association

A newly published SIA white paper shows that, thanks to rapid technological development, the U.S. semiconductor industry’s contribution to the U.S. economy grew 265 percent from 1987 to 2011, more than that of any other major U.S. manufacturing industry. Based on official U.S. government data, the paper concludes what SIA and the industry has known for […]

Market DataTax
Blog: 10/03/14

Critical Materials Necessary for Semiconductor Manufacturing

by David Isaacs, Vice President, Government Affairs

Today is National Manufacturing Day, a day to recognize the importance of U.S. manufacturing and assess what is needed to strengthen it. One vital component to continued manufacturing strength in the U.S. is access to critical materials, the lifeblood of the manufacturing process. 

Environment, Health & Safety
Blog: 09/26/14

Five Actions Policymakers Should Take to Spur U.S. Innovation

by Dan Rosso, Vice President, Communications

In the U.S. semiconductor industry and across the broader tech sector, innovation occurs through the hard work and ingenuity of tech workers and smart public policy from the federal government. Although Congress has adjourned until after the November elections, SIA continues to work to achieve progress on a range of policy initiatives that would boost […]

Environment, Health & SafetyIntellectual PropertyResearchTaxTradeWorkforce & Immigration
Blog: 09/19/14

Corporate Sponsors are the Key to SIA’s Annual Award Dinner

by Semiconductor Industry Association

As we noted last week, the annual SIA Award Dinner is right around the corner. The event, which takes place on Thursday, Nov. 13 at the Fairmont San Jose, brings together semiconductor industry professionals for an unparalleled night of networking, conversation and celebration. With the dinner set to commence eight weeks from today, seats are […]

Blog: 09/12/14

SIA Award Dinner Brings Together Semiconductor Professionals for Celebration of Industry

by Semiconductor Industry Association

As summer comes to a close, it’s time to turn our attention to the premier annual gathering of semiconductor industry leaders and stakeholders, SIA’s Annual Award Dinner, which will take place on Thursday, Nov. 13, 2014 at The Fairmont San Jose.

Blog: 09/04/14

Emerging Technologies Can Help Save Gas, Reduce Traffic

by David Isaacs, Vice President, Government Affairs

If you were one of the millions of Americans who got stuck in Labor Day traffic last weekend, take heart – there’s hope for quicker, less costly travel in the future.

Emerging Technologies
Press Release: 08/29/14

Semiconductor Market Setting Sales Records through the First Half of 2014

by Semiconductor Industry Association

As SIA reported earlier this month, worldwide sales of semiconductors reached $82.7 billion during the second quarter of 2014, marking the industry’s highest-ever second quarter sales total. In fact, there were other “highest ever” sales levels achieved with the release of the June 2014 data, including highest monthly sales ever and highest first half sales […]

Market Data
Blog: 08/27/14

Coalition Urges President Obama to Take Action on Immigration

by Dan Rosso, Vice President, Communications

As part of our ongoing effort to advance high-skilled immigration reform, SIA and a diverse coalition of business, family and immigration organizations this week sent a letter to President Barack Obama in support of executive action to address America’s dysfunctional immigration system. Specifically, the letter urges the President to help reduce immigration backlogs by mandating […]

Workforce & Immigration
Blog: 08/14/14

Semiconductors Hold the Key to Stopping Car Thefts

by Dan Rosso, Vice President, Communications

For car thieves, business is a lot slower these days than it was a couple decades ago. In New York City, for example, auto thefts have decreased by 96 percent since 1990, and steep drops have been seen across the country.

Emerging Technologies
Blog: 08/08/14

WTO Should Implement Trade Facilitation Agreement

by Semiconductor Industry Association

Last week, members of the World Trade Organization (WTO) missed an important deadline to implement the Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA) due to objections from India, South Africa and a few other developing countries.

Blog: 07/31/14

Gaming, Semiconductors and the 21st Century Classroom

by Semiconductor Industry Association

Earlier this week we teamed up with AMD and the Entertainment Software Association to demonstrate to Members of Congress and their staffs how gaming is advancing STEM education. Showcasing the advancements in gaming turned out to be a hit with congressional staff, in part because they got to play this game on a huge screen!

Emerging Technologies
Blog: 07/25/14

Semiconductor Industry Ranks High in Patent Quality

by Semiconductor Industry Association

Patent quality in the semiconductor industry has been determined to be high as compared with other technology fields, according to a recent analysis by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). OECD assessed patent quality based on the technological and economic value of patented inventions and the possible impact that these inventions could have […]

Intellectual Property