
Blog: 03/28/13

SIA Advocates for ITA Expansion at Geneva Meetings

by Semiconductor Industry Association


Blog: 03/27/13

House Committee Approves Legislation to Secure Helium Supply

by David Isaacs, Vice President, Government Affairs

On March 20, the House Natural Resources Committee voted to approve the “Responsible Helium Administration and Stewardship Act” (HR 527), a bipartisan bill that would address the impending cessation of sales of helium from the Federal Helium Reserve. The legislation now awaits action on the House floor, which will likely be scheduled sometime next month.

Environment, Health & Safety
Blog: 03/15/13

Broad Coalition of Tech Leaders Call on President, Congress to Enact High-Skilled Immigration Reform

by Semiconductor Industry Association

SIA this week joined a coalition of more than 100 technology leaders from across the country in sending a letter to President Obama and congressional leaders urging prompt approval of legislation to reform America’s outdated high-skilled immigration system.

Workforce & Immigration
Blog: 02/28/13

Expansion of Key Trade Agreement Should be a Top Priority

by Semiconductor Industry Association

Earlier this month, the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) completed an investigation into the proposed expansion of the Information Technology Agreement (ITA), which promotes fair and open trade by providing for duty-free treatment of certain information technology products, including semiconductors.

Blog: 02/15/13

Discover Engineering Family Day Helps Spur Kids’ Interest in Technology

by Semiconductor Industry Association

The 20th annual Discover Engineering Family Day (DEFD) will be held tomorrow, Feb. 16, at the National Building Museum in Washington, D.C. DEFD is a fun way to introduce students between the ages of 4 and 12 to the world of technology and show them how professional engineers turn ideas into reality. The event, which […]

Blog: 02/12/13

President Outlines Plan to Drive Innovation; Now is the Time for Action

by Semiconductor Industry Association

During tonight’s State of the Union Address, President Obama outlined a plan to create jobs and accelerate America’s economic recovery. As a bellwether of the U.S. economy, the semiconductor industry was particularly encouraged to hear the President call on Congress to support funding for scientific research, fix America’s high-skilled immigration system, and reform the corporate […]

ResearchTaxWorkforce & Immigration
Blog: 02/07/13

NDAA Provision is Key Step Toward Export Control Reform

by David Isaacs, Vice President, Government Affairs

On Jan. 2, President Obama signed into law the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for 2013, legislation that, among other things, permits the Administration to return commercial satellites and related items – including radiation-hardened (or “rad hard”) semiconductors – to the jurisdiction of Export Administration Regulations administered by the Commerce Department after Congressional notification. This […]

Export Control and National Security Policy
Blog: 01/24/13

Semiconductor Companies Top 2012 Patent List, Reflecting Industry’s Innovation Leadership

by Semiconductor Industry Association

Several U.S. semiconductor companies ranked among the leading U.S. patent recipients in 2012, according to a recent report. The report, which was compiled and released by IFI Claims, shows that of the top 15 U.S. firms receiving U.S. patents in 2012, six were semiconductor companies: IBM, Qualcomm, Intel, Broadcom, Micron and Texas Instruments. IBM ranked […]

Market Data
Blog: 01/22/13

SIA’s 2013 Policy Roadmap Strengthens U.S. Semiconductor Industry, Boosts American Innovation

by Semiconductor Industry Association

With the new year upon us and the 113th Congress now underway, SIA is focused on advancing the U.S. semiconductor industry’s key policy objectives for 2013. Our industry is critical to America’s economic strength, national security and global competitiveness. SIA’s 2013 Policy Roadmap – outlined below – will help keep America at the forefront of […]

Anti-CounterfeitingEnvironment, Health & SafetyExport Control and National Security PolicyIntellectual PropertyResearchTaxTradeWorkforce & Immigration
Blog: 01/02/13

Technology Could Help Reduce Harmful Emissions

by David Isaacs, Vice President, Government Affairs

It’s no secret that modern technology – enabled by semiconductors – has improved our lives dramatically by revolutionizing our communication, transportation, health care, business and entertainment systems, among many others. But sometimes we lose sight of what technology can do for our planet.

Environment, Health & Safety
Blog: 12/20/12

SIA Working With Federal Government to Improve Collection of Semiconductor Employment Data

by Semiconductor Industry Association

Over the last couple months, SIA has reported some key information about U.S. semiconductor employment. In November, we announced that the U.S. semiconductor industry currently employs almost a quarter of a million workers and added jobs three times faster than the rest of the U.S. economy from 2010 to 2011. Earlier this month, we released […]

Market Data
Blog: 11/09/12

Semiconductor Jobs Tied to Effective Government Policies

by Semiconductor Industry Association

In an exciting development for our industry, last week SIA announced that U.S. semiconductor employment has reached nearly 250,000 and the industry added jobs three times faster than the rest of the U.S. economy. A deeper look at the underlying government data reveals an interesting correlation between job increases in the semiconductor industry and job […]