Blog: 04/22/13

World Semiconductor Council Calls on India to Join ITA Expansion Talks

…is now used as the basis for duty-free coverage for these integrated circuits. These semiconductor executives encouraged all international parties to provide for duty-free treatment for semiconductor devices, acknowledging the…

Blog: 06/28/17

SIA Outlines NAFTA Modernization Priorities

…MORE ABOUT THE U.S. SEMICONDUCTOR INDUSTRY HERE] At the root of our industry’s strength is a complex and global supply chain for raw materials, equipment, R&D, human talent, testing, and

Blog: 06/12/15

House Needs to Get Trade Promotion Authority Across Finish Line

…economic strength and global competitiveness. TPA facilitates free trade, economic growth, and the spread of innovation. TPA empowers U.S. trade negotiators to reach final agreements consistent with negotiating objectives laid…

Blog: 01/22/13

SIA’s 2013 Policy Roadmap Strengthens U.S. Semiconductor Industry, Boosts American Innovation

…the globe, it has never been more important to promote free and open international trade and safeguard IP rights. In 2013, SIA will work to achieve broad duty-free coverage of…

Blog: 02/02/17

Our 2017 Policy Plan to Spur U.S. Semiconductor Industry Growth and Innovation

and to allow American businesses to compete on a more level playing field with our competitors abroad. Tax: The U.S. tax code puts American companies at a competitive disadvantage to…

Blog: 10/29/13

Restoring Domestic Supply of Critical Minerals Will Strengthen U.S. Semiconductor Industry

…critical materials used to manufacture semiconductors and other important products. Today, Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee Chairman Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) and Ranking Member Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), along with a…

Press Release: 03/29/23

New SIA Map Highlights Broad U.S. Semiconductor Ecosystem

…across the country, including nearly 500 locations in 42 states. This expansive ecosystem is comprised of semiconductor manufacturing, chip design, intellectual property and chip design software providers, semiconductor materials and

Blog: 03/10/15

UN Should Not Prohibit Use of Chemicals Vital to Semiconductor Manufacturing

and protective overcoats. BDO is an essential compound used to make GBL and other chemicals used extensively by the semiconductor industry. There are no known alternatives to these materials in…

Blog: 01/20/22

SIA Encourages the United States and Europe to Collaborate on Export Control Policy

complex issues is a challenging effort but critical for our collective national interests. SIA applauds the efforts of the U.S. and EU governments and stands ready to support. [1]…

Blog: 03/09/12

Leading the Way on Climate Protection

for their ongoing work and environmental stewardship. To learn more about Intel’s environmental programs visit For more information on EPA’s Climate Leadership Awards visit        …


ITIF-SIA Webinar
Pursuing an ITA-3 to Bolster Global Economic Growth and Opportunity

…World Trade Organization’s most successful plurilateral trade agreements. The ITA has played a catalytic role in expanding trade in and lowering the prices of the information and communications technology (ICT)…


In conjunction with the Research and Development Caucus, TFAI Presents a Webinar – U.S. Research and Innovation: Where Are We Amidst Global Competition?

Date: May 10, 2022 Time: 9:00 am EDT The briefing will feature prominent leaders from industry and academia who called on Congress to prioritize research funding by dramatically increasing investments…