Blog: 09/10/13

Broad SIA-Led Coalition Urges Congress to Enact Legislation to Secure Supply of Helium

…that is essential for semiconductor manufacturing and other types of advanced manufacturing, as well as scientific research. The broad and diverse coalition expressed the urgent need for congressional action in…

Blog: 09/19/13

Working Together to Close the Innovation Deficit

community sent a letter to President Obama and Congress asking for their leadership in closing the innovation deficit: “America’s competitiveness and future innovation capabilities cannot be held in limbo or…

Blog: 04/29/14

Three Reasons Congress Should Close the Innovation Deficit

…fall behind other countries when it comes to investments in research and higher education. Together with other leaders in the high-tech community and academia, SIA will continue to urge the…

Blog: 12/17/14

One-Year Extension of R&D Credit is Progress, but Congress Has More Work to Do

…a greater commitment to research and development than the semiconductor sector. Semiconductor companies invest about one-fifth of revenues each year in R&D – the highest share of any industry. These…

Blog: 10/23/15

New White House Research Initiative Will Advance Semiconductor-Driven Technologies

…the process of addressing these research needs, announcing a new research initiative called Nanotechnology-Inspired Grand Challenge for Future Computing. The new initiative is intended to address recommendations from the Rebooting…

Press Release: 11/30/22

New Report Identifies Challenges to Continued U.S. Leadership in Semiconductor Design, Innovation

…research by working with Congress, the Administration, and key industry stakeholders around the world to encourage policies that fuel innovation, propel business, and drive international competition. Learn more at….

Uncategorized: 05/04/20

Global Semiconductor Sales Decrease 3.6 Percent in First Quarter of 2020

…about the global semiconductor industry and market, download the free SIA Factbook. For comprehensive monthly semiconductor sales data and detailed WSTS Forecasts, consider purchasing the WSTS Subscription Package. [March 2020…

Press Release: 10/27/22

New Report Identifies Target Areas for CHIPS R&D Investments

…scale-up. (4) Collaborative Development The NSTC and NAPMP should support full-stack innovation by convening companies to solve complex technological problems that benefit from collaboration across the full computing stack and

Dylan Peterson

Dylan Peterson is a communications associate at the Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA), where he supports the association through the development of targeted communications materials and strategies, media relations, social media…

Dan Rosso

Dan Rosso is vice president of communications at SIA, where he develops and implements the association’s communications strategies through targeted initiatives, events, and materials. Dan also serves as SIA’s primary…

Press Release: 11/11/14

Deal to Expand Information Technology Agreement Will Strengthen Semiconductor Industry, Keeps Costs Down for Consumers

AGREEMENT WILL EXTEND TARIFF-FREE COVERAGE OF THE LATEST SEMICONDUCTOR PRODUCTS AND TECHNOLOGIES WASHINGTON—Nov. 11, 2014—The Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA), representing U.S. leadership in semiconductor manufacturing and design, today applauded a…

Press Release: 01/16/20

USMCA Approval Strengthens U.S. Technology and Trade Leadership

…manufacturing, design, and research, with members accounting for approximately 95 percent of U.S. semiconductor company sales. “Congressional approval of the USMCA is a major win for free trade and America’s…