Blog: 05/05/23

The 2023 SIA Factbook: Your Source for Semiconductor Industry Data

free trade agreements that remove market barriers, protect IP, and enable fair competition. Expand the Information Technology Agreement, one of the World Trade Organization’s most successful free trade agreements. Cooperate…


ITIF-SIA Webinar
Pursuing an ITA-3 to Bolster Global Economic Growth and Opportunity

…World Trade Organization’s most successful plurilateral trade agreements. The ITA has played a catalytic role in expanding trade in and lowering the prices of the information and communications technology (ICT)…

Blog: 04/23/15

Congress Should Approve Trade Promotion Authority Legislation

This week, House and Senate committees are considering the Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities and Accountability Act of 2015 (TPA-2015), legislation that would enable free trade agreements, strengthen the U.S. semiconductor…

Blog: 05/19/16

Trade Panel Finds TPP Would Boost U.S. Economy, Create Jobs

…While U.S. semiconductor companies perform most of their manufacturing in America, the vast majority (82 percent) of their products are shipped to customers overseas. This means that free trade isn’t…

Press Release: 10/01/18

Global Semiconductor Sales Increase 14.9 Percent Year-to-Year in August

…America’s economic strength, national security, and global competitiveness. Semiconductors – microchips that control all modern electronics – enable the systems and products we use to work, communicate, travel, entertain, harness…

Press Release: 09/04/18

Global Semiconductor Sales Increase 17.4 Percent Year-to-Year in July

…drive international competition. Learn more at About WSTS World Semiconductor Trade Statistics (WSTS) is an independent non-profit organization representing the vast majority of the world semiconductor industry. The mission…

Press Release: 09/06/22

Global Semiconductor Sales Increase 7.3% Year-to-Year in July, but Growth Slows

…July 2022, an increase of 7.3% over the July 2021 total of $45.7 billion, but a decrease of 2.3% compared to the June 2022 total of $50.2 billion. Monthly sales…

Blog: 02/05/19

As Washington Sets 2019 Policy Agenda, Semiconductor Priorities Central to Debate

…level playing field with our competitors abroad. Trade: More than 80 percent of U.S. semiconductor companies’ sales are to overseas customers, so free and open access to global markets is…