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Blog: 10/03/17

SIA Calls for National Strategy to Spur Internet of Things

by David Isaacs, Vice President, Government Affairs

At a forum on Capitol Hill earlier today, SIA and other tech and business leaders called for a national strategy to harness the immense potential of the Internet of Things (IoT), the semiconductor-enabled network of devices connected to the cloud from which data can be collected and analyzed, and to ensure U.S. leadership in this […]

Emerging Technologies
Blog: 02/16/17

Sen. Hatch’s Innovation Agenda Would Strengthen U.S. Semiconductor Industry

by David Isaacs, Vice President, Government Affairs

Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), chairman of the Senate Republican High-Tech Task Force, today unveiled his innovation agenda for the 115th Congress during an event at the U.S. Capitol. Many of the initiatives highlighted in Sen. Hatch’s plan align closely with the U.S. semiconductor industry’s policy priorities, including reforming America’s corporate tax system, investing in basic […]

Emerging TechnologiesIntellectual PropertyResearchTaxWorkforce & Immigration
Blog: 02/02/17

Our 2017 Policy Plan to Spur U.S. Semiconductor Industry Growth and Innovation

by John Neuffer, President and CEO

With the presidential inauguration behind us and the 115th Congress now underway, SIA is focused on working with the Trump Administration and Congress to enact policies that will strengthen the U.S. semiconductor industry, the broader tech sector, and our economy. The unifying goal of our 8-point policy plan, outlined below, is to promote U.S. job […]

Anti-CounterfeitingEmerging TechnologiesEnvironment, Health & SafetyExport ControlIntellectual PropertyOverviewResearchTaxTradeWorkforce & Immigration
Blog: 06/21/16

SIA Applauds Launch of IoT Initiative Led by Intel and Samsung

by John Neuffer, President and CEO

SIA members Intel Corporation and Samsung Electronics today announced the launch of the National IoT Strategy Dialogue, an initiative that will bring together industry partners and organizations to collaboratively develop policy recommendations to advance the Internet of Things (IoT). We applaud Intel and Samsung for leading this critical effort, to be convened by the Information […]

Emerging Technologies
Blog: 06/08/16

SIA Presents Policy Recommendations to Advance Internet of Things

by Semiconductor Industry Association

From household appliances and wearable devices to cars and medical devices, many of the products Americans rely on are becoming “smarter” and better able to communicate with each other, thanks largely to semiconductor technology. This expanding network of physical objects connected by the Internet – known as the Internet of Things (IoT) – presents both […]

Emerging Technologies
Blog: 01/28/16

How U.S. Semiconductor Technology Strengthens our Military on the Battlefield

by Semiconductor Industry Association

SIA frequently points out that semiconductors play a critical role in strengthening our country, including our national security. A concrete example comes from a new semiconductor developed by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) that gives our military a measurable advantage in one critical arena of the modern battlefield: electronic warfare.

Emerging Technologies
Blog: 11/16/15

Why the U.S. Military is Interested in the Internet of Things

by Semiconductor Industry Association

If you have followed the semiconductor market in recent years, you are probably aware that the Internet of Things (IoT) is estimated to become a major market driver of semiconductor growth, with some forecasting future market growth in the multi-millions of dollars. Indeed, what makes the potential of the IoT market so exciting is that its […]

Emerging Technologies
Blog: 09/04/14

Emerging Technologies Can Help Save Gas, Reduce Traffic

by David Isaacs, Vice President, Government Affairs

If you were one of the millions of Americans who got stuck in Labor Day traffic last weekend, take heart – there’s hope for quicker, less costly travel in the future.

Emerging Technologies
Blog: 08/14/14

Semiconductors Hold the Key to Stopping Car Thefts

by Dan Rosso, Vice President, Communications

For car thieves, business is a lot slower these days than it was a couple decades ago. In New York City, for example, auto thefts have decreased by 96 percent since 1990, and steep drops have been seen across the country.

Emerging Technologies
Blog: 07/31/14

Gaming, Semiconductors and the 21st Century Classroom

by Semiconductor Industry Association

Earlier this week we teamed up with AMD and the Entertainment Software Association to demonstrate to Members of Congress and their staffs how gaming is advancing STEM education. Showcasing the advancements in gaming turned out to be a hit with congressional staff, in part because they got to play this game on a huge screen!

Emerging Technologies
Blog: 02/06/14

Chip-Enabled Vehicle Communication Technology Could Save Lives

by Semiconductor Industry Association

This week, the U.S. Department of Transportation announced that it will begin taking steps to enable vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication technology in an effort to promote automotive safety and significantly reduce the more than 30,000 vehicle deaths that occur each year. 

Emerging Technologies
Blog: 07/30/12

Semiconductors Play a Significant and Growing Part in Operating your Car

by Semiconductor Industry Association

We traditionally think of our cars as being built from steel and powered by gas, but cars are increasingly becoming electronic products on wheels powered by semiconductors. Many of our cars’ systems – including the engine, tires, dashboard and entertainment features – now have semiconductors operating them. Some cars are even capable of parallel parking […]

Emerging Technologies