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Blog: 02/06/15

How Did the Global Semiconductor Market Reach Record Sales in 2014?

by Semiconductor Industry Association

Last November, when I wrote about industry sales through the third quarter of 2014, I said that it was hard to envision final 2014 sales not being the highest annually on record and that a more interesting question to consider was whether final 2014 annual sales would surpass the World Semiconductor Trade Statistics’ (WSTS) forecast […]

Market Data
Press Release: 12/05/14

Semiconductor Industry Forecasts Broad and Sustained Sales Growth for 2015

by Semiconductor Industry Association

This year is not yet complete, and analysts are already considering the outlook for 2015! Such is the case for our industry, which is known for always looking ahead, right? Given that the World Semiconductor Trade Statistics (WSTS) program released its Fall semiconductor industry forecast earlier this month on December 2, it seems appropriate now to […]

Market Data
Press Release: 11/07/14

Semiconductor Market Continues Record Setting Pace in Third Quarter of 2014

by Semiconductor Industry Association

Third quarter global semiconductor industry sales reached a record high of $87 billion, as reported earlier this week in SIA’s most recent monthly global sales report. This figure marked a 5.7 percent increase over the second quarter global sales totals.

Market Data
Blog: 10/10/14

SIA White Paper: Semiconductor Industry Has Grown U.S. Economy through Innovation

by Semiconductor Industry Association

Sixty-four years ago this month, the U.S. Patent Office issued a patent to three semiconductor pioneers for the transistor, the building block for semiconductor innovation. Since then, the U.S. semiconductor industry has continued to innovate at an impressive rate, thus contributing significantly to U.S. economic growth. In fact, a recently published SIA white paper concludes that […]

Market Data
Blog: 10/07/14

SIA White Paper: Semiconductor Industry Has Contributed More to U.S. Economic Growth than any other Major Manufacturing Industry

by Semiconductor Industry Association

A newly published SIA white paper shows that, thanks to rapid technological development, the U.S. semiconductor industry’s contribution to the U.S. economy grew 265 percent from 1987 to 2011, more than that of any other major U.S. manufacturing industry. Based on official U.S. government data, the paper concludes what SIA and the industry has known for […]

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