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Press Release: 09/21/16

Professors from University of Chicago and University of Michigan Honored for Excellence in Semiconductor Technology and Design Research

WASHINGTON—Sept. 21, 2016—The Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA), in consultation with Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC), today presented its University Research Award to professors from the University of Chicago and the University of Michigan in recognition of their outstanding contributions to semiconductor research. Dr. Paul Nealey, professor of molecular engineering at the University of Chicago, received the […]

Blog: 08/02/16

White House Advances High-Performance Computing Initiative

by Semiconductor Industry Association

The White House last week released a new strategic plan to implement the National Strategic Computing Initiative (NSCI) – a supercomputing research effort – across government agencies. The plan calls for greater collaboration among industry, academia, and the government to build an ecosystem that will enable advancements in high-performance computing.

Blog: 07/19/16

Congressional Research Arm Produces Report on the U.S. Chip Industry

by Semiconductor Industry Association

A newly released report by a non-partisan research arm of Congress underscores how semiconductors’ economic and military importance has made the industry’s health a focus of congressional interest for nearly 70 years. The report, produced by the Congressional Research Service (CRS), details how the federal government played a key role in the creation and support […]

Market DataResearch
Press Release: 07/08/16

International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors Examines Next 15 Years of Chip Innovation

FINAL INSTALLMENT OF BIANNUAL REPORT OUTLINES SHORT-TERM AND LONG-TERM CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES FACING SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNOLOGY WASHINGTON—July 8, 2016—The Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA), representing U.S. leadership in semiconductor manufacturing, design, and research, today announced the release of the 2015 International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS), a collaborative report that surveys the technological challenges and opportunities for […]

Blog: 06/28/16

Secretary Clinton’s Tech Platform Highlights Key Semiconductor Priorities

by David Isaacs, Vice President, Government Affairs

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton today unveiled a set of policy initiatives aimed at bolstering U.S. technology and innovation leadership. SIA welcomes attention from the presidential candidates on policies to strengthen the semiconductor industry and the broader tech sector. Secretary Clinton’s plan embraces a number of the semiconductor industry’s longstanding priorities, including the following: 1) Increasing the research […]

Export ControlResearchTradeWorkforce & Immigration
Blog: 06/27/16

Hill Briefing Highlights Importance of Federal Research Investments

by Semiconductor Industry Association

SIA moderated a congressional briefing last Friday on federally funded R&D and the research breakthroughs that have enabled smartphone technology. The briefing was hosted by IEEE in coordination with the House R&D Caucus, which is chaired by Rep. Barbara Comstock (R-Va.) and Rep. Bill Foster (D-Ill.). The purpose of the event was to give congressional staff […]

Blog: 05/04/16

Tech Weighs in on Presidential Agenda

by John Neuffer, President and CEO

As the presidential election year comes into sharper focus this week, the tech community is weighing in with the priorities it believes should be central to the public debate in the months ahead – priorities that are critical to sustaining a strong America and a strong American economy. In an open letter sent today to […]

Export ControlResearchTaxTradeWorkforce & Immigration
Blog: 01/19/16

Our 8-Point Plan to Advance Semiconductor Industry Priorities in 2016

by John Neuffer, President and CEO

SIA has long championed federal policies that promote U.S. innovation, economic growth, and global competitiveness. Now that the 114th Congress has reached its midpoint and lawmakers have resumed legislative work in the new year, it’s a good time to assess the progress made in 2015 on some of the semiconductor industry’s policy priorities and the […]

Anti-CounterfeitingEnvironment, Health & SafetyExport ControlIntellectual PropertyResearchTax
Blog: 11/04/15

Budget Agreement Provides Opportunity for Needed Research Investments

by Semiconductor Industry Association

President Obama this week signed into law bipartisan legislation that establishes a new budget agreement and raises the government’s debt limit until 2017. SIA and a coalition of business, scientific, and academic leaders have urged congressional leaders to take advantage of funding increases called for in the new law to bolster federal investments in scientific […]

Blog: 10/23/15

New White House Research Initiative Will Advance Semiconductor-Driven Technologies

by Semiconductor Industry Association

SIA’s efforts to shape the federal research agenda took an important step forward this week with the announcement of a new federal initiative that addresses research needs brought to light recently by SIA and the Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC). In September, SIA and SRC released a report titled Rebooting the IT Revolution: A Call to […]

Blog: 10/09/15

The Critical Nexus Between Innovation and Basic Research for the Chip Industry

by Semiconductor Industry Association

A couple weeks ago, the New York Times ran a news story about the future of the semiconductor industry, Smaller, Faster, Cheaper, Over: The Future of Computer Chips (Sept 26, 2012). The premise of the article was that the guiding principle of Moore’s Law is slowing and that unless there are other breakthroughs in chip […]

Blog: 09/18/15

SIA’s Dustin Todd to Serve as Chair of Task Force on American Innovation

by John Neuffer, President and CEO

Dustin Todd, director of government affairs at SIA, this week became co-chairman of the Task Force on American Innovation (TFAI), a coalition of U.S. companies, research universities, and scientific societies that promotes federal investments in scientific research. Dustin succeeds Texas Instruments’ Gene Irisari, who did a tremendous job advancing the coalition’s research priorities over the […]
