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Blog: 12/08/14

The Benefits of Including Multi-Component Semiconductors in an Expanded Information Technology Agreement

by Semiconductor Industry Association

Following a key breakthrough between China and the United States on the sidelines of the APEC Leaders meeting in Beijing in November, negotiators have returned to Geneva to resume, and hopefully conclude, an expanded Information Technology Agreement that extends duty-free coverage to approximately 200 new technology product lines. Included on this list of new products are […]

Blog: 12/03/14

What is a Multi-Component Semiconductor (MCO)?

by Semiconductor Industry Association

Following a key breakthrough between China and the United States on the sidelines of the APEC Leaders meeting in Beijing in November, negotiators return to Geneva tomorrow to resume, and hopefully conclude, an expanded Information Technology Agreement that extends duty-free coverage to approximately 200 new technology product lines, including next-generation semiconductors known as multi-component semiconductors […]

Blog: 11/18/14

SIA Award Dinner Caps Successful Week for Semiconductor Industry

by Dan Rosso, Vice President, Communications

Last week was a busy and highly productive one for SIA and our members.  

Blog: 10/29/14

SIA China IP Priorities Raised at Roundtable with China Intellectual Property Rights Center

by Semiconductor Industry Association

Last Friday, SIA and several other U.S. high tech industry association representatives participated in a roundtable dialogue with Director Zhao Tianwu and other officials from China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) Electronics Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Center. The MIIT Electronics IPR Center is highly influential in shaping Chinese policy on matters such as […]

Intellectual PropertyTrade
Blog: 10/15/14

Global Semiconductor Industry Urges Governments to Prevent Restrictions on Encryption Technology

by Semiconductor Industry Association

This week, semiconductor industry representatives from around the world will meet in Fukuoka, Japan to deliver recommendations to global governments on a range of trade issues at the 15th annual Governments/Authorities Meeting on Semiconductors (GAMS). 

Intellectual PropertyTrade
Blog: 09/26/14

Five Actions Policymakers Should Take to Spur U.S. Innovation

by Dan Rosso, Vice President, Communications

In the U.S. semiconductor industry and across the broader tech sector, innovation occurs through the hard work and ingenuity of tech workers and smart public policy from the federal government. Although Congress has adjourned until after the November elections, SIA continues to work to achieve progress on a range of policy initiatives that would boost […]

Environment, Health & SafetyIntellectual PropertyResearchTaxTradeWorkforce & Immigration
Blog: 08/08/14

WTO Should Implement Trade Facilitation Agreement

by Semiconductor Industry Association

Last week, members of the World Trade Organization (WTO) missed an important deadline to implement the Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA) due to objections from India, South Africa and a few other developing countries.

Blog: 07/11/14

No ITA Deal Reached at SandED; U.S. and China Commit to Continued Discussions

by Semiconductor Industry Association

Despite intense efforts and high hopes for China to show leadership and break the deadlock in talks to expand the scope of the Information Technology Agreement (ITA) at this week’s U.S.-China Strategic & Economic Dialogue (S&ED), no agreement was reached and negotiations will continue after an already lengthy 8-month delay. 

Blog: 05/15/14

Global Semiconductor Industry Urges ITA Expansion Breakthrough at APEC Trade Meeting

by Semiconductor Industry Association

In a letter released today, the World Semiconductor Council (WSC) — representing semiconductor industry leaders in China, Chinese Taipei, Europe, Japan, Korea and the United States — urged the trade ministers from the 21 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) economies gathering in Qingdao, China on May 17-18 to reach a breakthrough in the negotiations to significantly […]

Blog: 05/01/14

Government Report Highlights Semiconductor Industry’s Key Intellectual Property Concerns

by Semiconductor Industry Association

The semiconductor industry plays a critical role in driving U.S. innovation. For example, American semiconductor companies invested $32 billion in research and development in 2012 – one of the greatest shares of revenue of any industry. In order to ensure that these investments continue to benefit consumers around the world, strong intellectual property rights (IPR) […]

Anti-CounterfeitingIntellectual PropertyTrade
Blog: 03/04/14

Three Steps Congress Can Take Now to Spur U.S. Innovation

by David Isaacs, Vice President, Government Affairs

The semiconductor industry has long been vital player in driving U.S. innovation. For example, American semiconductor companies invested $32 billion in research and development in 2012 – one of the greatest shares of revenue of any industry – and nearly half of the top 20 U.S. corporate patent recipients are semiconductor companies, demonstrating the industry’s […]

ResearchTradeWorkforce & Immigration
Blog: 01/15/14

Trade Promotion Authority Legislation Will Help Deliver Economy-Boosting Trade Agreements

by Semiconductor Industry Association

Last week, a bipartisan group of leaders from the Senate Finance Committee and House Ways and Means Committee introduced Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) legislation that re-establishes strong rules for the negotiation and congressional approval of trade agreements. The Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities Act of 2014 (S.1900 in the Senate and H.R. 3830 in the House), […]
